近日,工业级3D打印领航企业华曙高科宣布,华曙高科开源及高品质的高分子增材制造设备在经过长期验证后,正式加入由德国金属材料企业Headmade Materials GmbH发起创立的ColdMetalFusion 联盟,成为了该联盟目前唯一一家工业级粉床技术设备制造商,助力ColdMetalFusion联盟建立间接金属3D打印制造标准,以更经济,更高效的方式批量生产绿件(Green Parts)。
ColdMetalFusion联盟由金属增材制造材料专家Headmade Materials GmbH 创立,旨在不断扩展金属3D打印在大尺寸部件制造的产业化应用。ColdMetalFusion集合了众多金属3D打印领域上下游的具有丰富经验的技术先锋企业;华曙将与产业联盟成员携手,共同为客户提供专业的设备,材料,软件和部件制造等一系列专业支持,推动增材制造产业化。通过这一合作,华曙还将其金属解决方案扩展到华曙激光熔融间接金属3D打印技术(sinter-based AM),作为直接金属增材制造解决方案的重要补充,不断扩展全新的终端应用领域。
华曙高科欧洲分公司总经理Dirk Simon博士表示:“华曙SLS选择性激光烧结设备不仅为产业化客户提供了当今高分子3D打印中使用最广泛的技术,而且还在金属增材制造领域开辟了一个全新的细分应用市场。抱着以客户为中心的合作理念,和从样件设计到制造的全面增材专业知识,华曙为我们的客户提供这一高附加值的全新生产模式,我们的客户得以在现有华曙开源SLS设备上进行高效率,稳定的间接金属绿件生产,无需采购其他的间接金属增材制造设备——以更经济的方式实现批量化生产。华曙是增材制造领域的创新者和实践者,与ColdMetalFusion联盟的其它成员拥有共同的价值观。这种共同的产业化理念和标准,是华曙决定加入ColdMetalFusion联盟的重要原因之一。”
Farsoon joins ColdMetalFusion Alliance to unite sinter industry & AM for robust manufacturing standards
Farsoon is joining the ColdMetalFusion Alliance to provide industrial-grade SLS machines for high throughput manufacturing operations. The company plans to use its long experience on building up a large portfolio of open industrial 3D printers to set new standards for the reliable production of green parts in sinter-based AM.
Farsoon Technologies today announces its move to join the ColdMetalFusion Alliance together with other major industry players. The company delivers again on its mission to industrialize additive manufacturing with truly open industrial 3D printers. With this move, Farsoon also expands its metal-solutions portfolio into sinter-based AM, enabling new applications in 3D metal printing to complement its direct metal additive manufacturing (AM) solutions.
Farsoon has brought together some of the most experienced industry specialists in electronics, laser & optics to ensure that the limits of what is possible can be pushed across wavelengths and scanning strategies.
With its track record in delivering mission critical customer-solutions, as well as its broad know-how in additive manufacturing, Farsoon plans to make 3D printing of green parts more robust and scalable for manufacturers.
As a globally leading laser sintering company, Farsoon joins ColdMetalFusion together with other industry leaders with decades of experience in the fields of sintering, 3D printing and classical industrial manufacturing. Together, the Alliance members provide services, equipment, material, software and know-how to customers in the metal manufacturing industry.
“With selective laser sintering, we use not only one of the most widely used technologies in polymer 3D printing today, but also open an entirely new sub-market within the metal-AM landscape. Farsoon uniquely combines both laser and mechanical engineering expertise with customer-centric solutions instead of off-the-shelf systems. This new application of laser sintering will help to make additive manufacturing series production possible in an economic manner via a lower CAPEX, as companies can use their existing machinery. And from system requirements to part design, Farsoon understands what it takes to achieve the stability and process-robustness required. We are industrialists by heritage and as such share many values such as trust, reliability and innovation with the other ColdMetalFusion members. This shared culture is one of the reasons why we have decided to join the ColdMetalFusion Alliance.” says Dr. Dirk Simon, Managing Director of Farsoon Europe.
ColdMetalFusion’s vision is to industrialize additive manufacturing through common standards in between sintering and additive manufacturing. ColdMetalFusion members share not only standards, but also a common culture and way of thinking. As “industrialists” with a long history, the members have an exigence of robustness and 24/7 operation of a factory. The joining of Farsoon is a tipping point to accelerate that vision for ColdMetalFusion. Together with other members, Farsoon will encourage this thinking into joint solutions.
On the Formnext exhibition in November in Frankfurt, Germany, ColdMetalFusion members will demonstrate the Alliance’s mission of industrialization. Farsoon will inform customers about its plans for equipment tailored for ColdMetalFusion in hall 11.1, booth D29, while customers can experience ColdMetalFusion in hall 11.1, booth D48.