阿联酋Modest Company引入华曙5台设备,打造中东及东非增材制造应用服务中心

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2022年1月19日,中国长沙和阿联酋迪拜——华曙高科正式宣布与Modest Company LLC旗下的增材制造公司3DTIV Tech建立合作伙伴关系,携手推动华曙高科开源金属和高分子激光烧结3D打印设备在中东和东非地区的销售、展示和应用服务。

华曙高科表示,非常高兴能与Modest Company建立合作,Modest Company拥有丰富的行业经验,自1975年以来持续为阿联酋和海湾地区的工业市场提供专业服务。此次双方强强联手,旨在推动阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔、科威特、巴林、约旦、阿曼以及坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚(东非)市场的华曙高科增材制造技术应用和发展。

此次合作的一大亮点,是3DTIV Tech规划在阿联酋迪拜的增材制造应用服务中心,将会安装5台华曙高科金属和高分子3D打印设备,包括:Flight HT403P、HT403P、eForm、FS273M和FS121M。通过建立增材制造应用服务中心,3DTIV Tech将为中东用户提供一系列的专业服务,涵盖3D打印设备展示、打印测试、培训,维保服务和技术支持。3DTIV Tech增材制造应用服务中心预计于2022年4月正式向工业客户开放。

3DTIV Tech总经理Ali Akbar Khimjee表示:“作为一家在工业领域不断创新的多元化企业,我们很高兴将增材制造设备引入我们的产品线,致力于成为海湾和东非地区领先的选择性激光烧结解决方案供应商。华曙高科拥有10多年增材制造创新经验,处于该行业的技术最前沿。我们的合作伙伴关系将为中东地区的众多工业企业提供这一创新的先进制造方案。我们相信,增材制造将会引领 ‘工业4.0’在全球范围内扩展,我们感到非常荣幸可以与华曙一起加入这一旅程。”

华曙高科AMEA国际渠道经理赵伟表示:“我们非常重视与Modest  Company的合作。Modest Company在中东和东非地区长期提供工业级制造解决方案,拥有丰富的行业经验。作为AMEA地区最强大的经济体之一,我们看到中东和东非增材制造市场的巨大潜力,在石油和天然气、汽车、航空航天和科研机构等行业的工业应用广泛。凭借多年来在全球工业级3D打印市场的技术创新和实践,华曙高科有信心为中东和东非客户提供真正开源、高性能、高性价比的增材制造解决方案。”

欢迎有兴趣了解华曙增材制造解决方案的中东/东非地区的客户发送电子邮件联系3DTIV Tech总经理Ali Akbar Khimjee:info@3dtiv.com.

  关于Modest Company  

Modest Company致力于为中东和北非地区石油天然气和建筑行业客户提供一系列产品及服务。我们的高规格预制建筑单元广泛应用于大型活动、运营管理以及训练场地。随着增材制造行业的快速发展,我们将采用华曙高科金属和高分子激光烧结技术,将战略目标定位于各个行业,为传统制造技术面临的挑战提供最佳解决方案。





Farsoon expands into the Middle East Region through partnership with Modest Company

January 19th, 2022, Changsha, China and Dubai, UAE --- Farsoon Technologies is excited to announce our partnership with Modest Company LLC, under their new Additive Manufacturing division ‘3DTIV Tech’, to represent its truly open metal and plastic laser powder bed fusion 3D printers for distribution, demonstration and service.

Farsoon is pleased to work together with Modest Company who has served the UAE & GCC industrial markets since 1975. 3DTIV Tech will represent Farsoon in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, Tanzania and Kenya (Eastern Africa). 

Being a highlight of the partnership, 3DTIV Tech will establish an Additive Manufacturing Demonstration Center in Dubai, UAE, housing 5 Farsoon metal & plastic 3D printing machines, including: a Flight HT403P, HT403P, eForm, FS273M and FS121M. The goal of this Additive Manufacturing Center is to provide a variety of functionalities for Mideast users including machine demonstration, benchmarking, training, as well as service & support. The 3DTIV Tech AM Center is expected to open to industrial customers in April 2022.

"As a company with diversified activities, we are pleased to offer Additive Manufacturing machines to our product line and aim to be one of the pioneers in providing Selective Laser Sintering and Melting systems for plastic and metal parts in the Gulf and East African regions,” says Ali Akbar Khimjee, Director of 3DTIV Tech, “With over 10 years’ of research and development in the field, Farsoon Technologies is at the forefront in this dynamic industry and our partnership will present the region with innovative opportunities to a wide range of enterprises.  This collaboration in the revolutionary ‘Industry 4.0’ as it’s known, is sure to expand worldwide and we want to be a part of this journey.”

“We highly value the collaboration with Modest Company for their solid experience of offering industrial manufacturing solutions in Mideast and Eastern Africa,” says Vince Zhao, Global Channel Manager (AMEA) of Farsoon, “being one of the most powerful economics in AMEA, we see a great potential in Mideast and Eastern Africa additive market for a wide range of industrial applications driven by Oil & gas, automotive, aerospace and researching institutions.  With years of technology innovation and practice in Global industrial 3D printing market, Farsoon is confident to offer Mideast and Eastern Africa customers with our truly open, high-performance and cost-efficient additive manufacturing solutions.”

Interests and inquires for adopting Farsoon industrial 3D printing solutions in Mideast and Eastern Africa area, are welcome to contact Ali Akbar Khimjee, Director of 3DTIV Tech by email: info@3dtiv.com. 
